~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thinking Way Outside the Box Your Free Radical Health News Bulletin For the Week Ending May 23rd, 2003 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================================== The purpose of this bulletin is to expand your: - Radical: Highest degree of excellence - Health : Optimal energy, mood, vitality & longevity ========================================================== Your free subscription to Radical Health News is easy to start: subscribe@radicalhealth.com?subject=rhsub:2003-05-23.news:1 If you'd like to sponsor a Radical Health News Bulletin, be in touch. ========================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :::: Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Opening Remarks - Please Read: Domains Changing This Weekend - Garden of Life Prices Dramatically Reduced! - Radical Health Free Consulting Changes - Pain, Pressure & Dis-Ease Are Your Friends - Outside the Box Resources - In the News: Many Links ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :::: Opening Remarks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: Thinking Way Outside the Box This issue of Radical Health News is a very different issue. The inspiration for this issue has been gestating for many years. The last 72 hours has birthed this gestation into a more tangible, concrete form. This issue is psychoactive. Read on and you may think, perceive and act differently from this day forward. :-) :: My Father was My Best Outside the Box Example This issue is dedicated to my father, who thought way outside the box. His example trained me to live outside the box at a cellular level. Past thinking, into every facet of my being. One of my fondest memories is of my Dad looking into the marketplace, seeing some great absence of expertise, then learning enough about the problem domain to be an expert and receive great compensation for providing solutions. In other words, my Dad's philosophy was: "People rarely pay top dollar to people who have mastered a skill, because technology is changing to fast. People get paid top dollar for being able to quickly learn and practice skill related to our rapidly changing technology." As a result, rarely did I know much about any work I was hired to do, rather I was hired because I could learn my job quickly and when the job became obsolete, I could learn the next job which was required to be done. :: Translated to Health So when a doctor told me I required radical surgery (chopping out my stomach and intestines) my first thought was to go way outside the box. Fire my doctor. Run. Then educate and heal myself. Which I did. My Dad's example of living outside the box saved my life and is the reason Radical Health Research exists today. Thanks 'Da. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :::: Please read: Domains Changing This Weekend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: Finally! This afternoon begins the migration of all the domains I host. Transferring 100s of domains from one place to another is a grand challenge. There are sure to be some technical challenges. If email is bouncing you may reach me at: david@coolsurf.com or 512-280-5802 Email and Web services should be restored in a few days. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :::: Garden of Life Prices Dramatically Reduced! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: New prices! When RadicalHealth.com comes back up next week, your investment for Garden of Life Products will drop by a little over 30%. Read on to find out the reason for this. Also if you require a Garden of Life product missing from our catalog, let us know and we'll acquire it for you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :::: Radical Health Free Consulting Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: The Magic of the Internet A few months ago I tried a little experiment with a single search engine. The result is we have 5-10 new subscribers each day. One of the reasons we're changing to dedicated servers is to put up a custom email system able to handle to load of projected subscribers of the next 20 years. :: In the Past In the past, Yemiah and I have both given complimentary consulting to anyone who desired. This consulting was funded by product sales. At month end, I transition farther into working with Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen on our joint project. The result will be a huge influx of new subscribers to Radical Health and my marketing company. This means we're required to optimize our time to match our customer base. :: In the Future We Have to go Outside the Box How to handle a 1,000,000+ subscribers. That is the question. Book Market is next weekend. After I return consulting will change from unlimited phone and email consulting to group consulting, which will happen in phases: - Phase 1: Free Weekly Tele-Conferences - Phase 2: Ability to post a question on a web page. The question, answer and people's ongoing comments will go into a Wiki-ized Knowledge Base. This will be search-able at anytime. Think of an Encyclopedia of "Outside the Box" Health Research. - Phase 3: A Web-cast network will be setup for myself and other Raw advocates to host ongoing, radio-like talk shows over the Internet. Recordings of shows will be on-line in real audio format for replays and will get linked into the Knowledge Base. :: Tele-Conferences Begin Radical Health and Marketing Tele-Conferences will begin sometime in June. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :::: - Pain, Pressure & Dis-Ease Are Your Friends ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: Coal Into Diamonds Most people's first reaction to pain and discomfort is to do anything to escape. This "In the Box" thinking is disastrous in many ways. Creating diamonds requires great heat, light and force. The Same can be said for building character and strong immune system function. :: Fever & Enzymes Research now seems to indicate one of the primary reasons people's immune systems are mis-functioning these days is because they constantly break their fevers with drugs. Fever is the body's way of "ramping up" to more effectively deal with pathogens (micro-organisms) or toxins which are required to be expelled, post haste. Breaking fever tends to interrupt this process and over time appears to degrade immune function. :: Pain or Dis-Ease So next time you feel pain. Relax. Savor your pain and know your body is giving you an intense communication. Your job when pain occurs is to receive the essence of your body's great communication. And change to support your body vessel. Pain is a marker in the sand pointing your way to an upgrade of some habit or situation. The greater the pain, the greater the requirement for change. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :::: Outside the Box Resources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: Training Yourself to Think Outside the Box For those interested in greatly enhancing your ability to think Outside the Box, here is some advanced study material: - Experiential Training - Conscious Languaging - Bob Stevens - The Wish Fulfilled - Neville - Relationship & Practicing Presence - The Human Biological Machine as a Transformational Apparatus - E. J. Gold - The Five Rhythms - Gabrielle Roth - Esoteric & Alchemic - AngelTech - Antero Alli - All Rights Reversed - Antero Alli - Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson - Energized Meditation - Christopher Hyatt - One Year Manual - Israel Regardie - The Magician's Companion: A Practical and Encyclopedic Guide to Magical and Religious Symbolism - Bill Whitcomb ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :::: In The News: Many Links ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mad Cow Dis-Ease in Canada http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=2784725&src=eDialog/GetContent SARS Closes Beijing Schools http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/23/international/asia/23CHIN.html?th=&pagewanted=print&position= http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=scienceNews&storyID=2610528&src=eDialog/GetContent Too Many Vitamins? http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/29/health/nutrition/29VITA.html?th=&pagewanted=print&position= SARS Causes 32,500 People to Riot In China Because a school converted to house people who might have SARS http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/29/international/asia/29BEIJ.html?th=&pagewanted=print&position= SARS perspective http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=scienceNews&storyID=2645130&src=eDialog/GetContent Final DEA Ruling on Hemp Seeds http://www.dea.gov/pubs/pressrel/pr032103ap.html Hemp Links http://www.globalhemp.com http://www.thehia.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :::: Wrapping Up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have questions or desire to design your own personal Radical Health program, be in touch: david@radicalhealth.com or 512-280-5802 Enjoy your best, most radically healthy & prosperous day ever! - David Favor, Publisher -- www.RadicalHealth.com - Simple ways to look & feel your best ever! subscribe@radicalhealth.com?subject=rhsub:2003-05-23.news:2 Copyright (c) 2003 by RadicalHealth.com and David Favor. You may forward or publish all or part of this bulletin so long as credit is given to this site and respective authors.