~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Asthma, Arthritis & Cancer, Three Faces Of The Same Dis-Ease ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Administrivia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You're receiving this email because you've joined the Radical Health News Service or someone else has joined for you, like a well meaning friend or relative. Or you've been subscribed by a virus who has hijacked your email address and is now spamming the Internet with messages forged from you. You may leave Radical Health News Service by emailing: leave@radicalhealth.com If you're reading a forwarded copy you can join the Radical Health News Service by emailing: join@radicalhealth.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Asthma, Arthritis & Cancer, Three Faces Of The Same Dis-Ease ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So many people have talked with me recently about these three dis-eases, it's time to revisit them in a new way. This article is primarily a step-by-step guide to what I'd do if faced personally with any of these challenges, which I was. You can read about my past Systemic Arthritis here: http://RadicalHealth.com/david/ Asthma, Arthritis and Cancer are all closely related. They are different stages of the same systemic (system wide) dis-ease cycle. Early indicators of these include: 1) Insomnia 2) Persistent weight gain 3) Rapid skin aging 4) Digestive challenges 5) Rapid/Intense allergies and allergic reactions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Root Contributers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All these dis-eases and their early indicators center around systemic tissue inflammation. You'll notice many of the medical treatments for these dis-eases target inhibiting immune response which is a primary contributer to inflammation. The challenge with these medical treatments is they work by creating a fight or flight (Adrenalin) response, similar to taking Speed. These substances are so toxic, they shock the body into stopping all detox (inflammation response) and tissue regeneration. Instead, all the body's energy goes to detoxing the administered medicine. The net result is an instantaneous stop to many symptoms, when asthma and arthritis are involved. These medicines work until the body attains a new level of toxicity from accumulated medicine toxins. Then the inflammation cycle starts again. To stop it requires using more toxic substances. You can readily see the problem here. When each medicine stops working, this means the person's body has hit their toxic threshold on this medicine and a new layer of toxicity has accumulated in the body. Eventually all medicines stop working and the person is left with their original toxicity plus a new layer of toxicity for each drug/medicine they've taken. Detox at this point becomes complex, because each layer of medicines will hit the blood stream together, raising all manner of havoc with elimination and organ function. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inflammation/Allergic Agents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each person's body is unique and trigger foods which cause inflammation for each person are unique. You can easily identify your trigger foods by eating a a mono-meal (one food) late at night. If you wake up with sinus, respiratory or allergic symptoms the next morning you can try one or more of these experiments: 1) Eat your last meal earlier. Eating is best done when the Sun is high, as darkness shifts the body out of activity mode into regeneration mode. The best way to enjoy rapid aging is to eat often and eat when dark. Eating after dark switches back to activity mode, which can either reduce or completely skip one cycle of nightly cellular regeneration. My guess is this is why we tend to live about half our current genetic potential of around 160 years. 2) Avoid or reduce common allergens: - Sugar - Grain/Rice products - Cooked Soy products - Miso and whole Edaname beans seem to work well causing no inflammation - Animal products - which result in acid pH - Cooked foods and fluids, especially cooked (pasteurized) bottled juices as fluids permeate cells faster than solids - Milk, Rice Milk and Soy Milk all of which seem to be primary contributers for most people If you love milks, like we do, you can make nut milks. A handful of nuts with a few ounces of water in a blender, blended till smooth, then fill the blender with water. Fresh, rich, Raw milk in 2 minutes. A splash of Raw Agave or Dates and you've got liquid ambrosia. - Raw Cashews which have been stored at room temperature, such as bulk bins at your market - Cooked nuts, especially peanuts which are a form of legume which can rarely be fully digested by humans 3) Airborne dust and pollutants. Invest in an industrial ozone generator such as an Aranizer. Leave your windows open at night. If you're in a city to polluted for this... move. Next to Salt and Water, Air is the other macro nutrient. Mineral Rich Raw Salt, Pure Water and Fresh Air are essential to peak health and vitality. 4) Roll down your car windows when you first drive, to flush out all the plastic emissions. Then leave your windows rolled up, with your air recirculation set to closed. Be aware, if you have an American vehicle you can usually only get closed air recirculation when using the Maximum Air Conditioning setting. The atomized Cadmium gas which is generated by hot tire rubber rapidly rotating in contact with asphalt is the most toxic substance most people are ever exposed to. Keep this in mind if you're committing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Symptom Relief and Detox, The Easy Way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you find yourself with symptoms or a life of taking one or more medicines to suppress symptoms, there's hope! First what to avoid. Please take this to heart. Deviation can result in organ damage or death. Avoid fasting and ultra-low caloric diets until you're in perfect health. You read that correctly. Toxins which are unable to be eliminated rapidly are wrapped in fat and stored for some future time when there is appropriate energy and elimination strength to purge these from the body. Fasting and low caloric diets break down fat cells for energy and can result in massive quantities of toxins being dumped into the fluid systems. This can result in organ damage or death. A wise old country doctor once say: "There's a fine line between a healing crisis and a dyin' crisis and you'll do best to avoid the latter of the two." Rule of thumb here is to go slow and if your detox symptoms are more intense than you desire, then slow down your program. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Easy Way, Step-By-Step ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can find many of my preferences for the items I'll be talking about here: http://RadicalHealth.com/order/ 1) I'd start with pure water. 100-200oz. per 100lbs. of body weight each day. I'd only drink pure water, fresh fruit/vegetable juices, Goji Juice and fresh nut milks until all my symptoms were gone. Our bodies should be 80%+ water. As such, "Water is the most important dietary nutrient." And all liquids which reduce water intake are best avoided, until symptoms are gone... or forever. 2) I'd only ingest either Chinese Sea Salt or Himalayan Pink Salt. Salt and Water are the basis of life. If people focused on their Salt and Water intake as much as food and supplements, we'd enjoy an instantaneous global health transformation. Salt is the substance which allows our bodies to stay hydrated, meaning the quality/quantity of our Salt intake determines how much water we can hold in our bodies. Many chronically dehydrated people come to me who are drinking massive amounts of water without using enough Salt to hold any of the water. A quick look at your skin quality will tell you if you have sufficient Salt and Water in your diet. I put quality of Salt and Water as my #1 health priority. Himalayan Salt is best. Chinese Sea Salt is next. Other processed salts or grey salt - grayish from petroleum residue - are best avoided as continually ingesting petroleum products causes all manner of hard to diagnose dis-eases. Salt and Water and supercharge other health practices causing detox to be faster and easier. 3) After hydration (Salt & Water), next is nutrition. I'd focus on Super Foods like: a) Goji Juice, the more nutrient dense Super Food on our planet. Be sure Goji Juice is juiced directly from Raw Berries (rather then made from dried berries) and all components of the Juice are cold processed. Heat processing, even in drying the berries, evaporates many subtle nutrients. b) Bee Pollen & Hemp Seeds, which together rapidly regenerate collagen and tissue structure. c) Raw Nuts, preferably activated, Looking for the Fountain of Youth? Before you go the Nip Tuck route of cosmetic surgery, make sure you've had your daily dose of Super Beauty Foods: Himalayan Salt, Water, Goji Juice, Bee Pollen & Hemp Seeds 4) Next on my list are Angstrom Minerals Formulas. Nutrition is all about extracting minerals from food, storing them for future use, retrieving them when required, transporting them and integrating them into cells. There are many forms of minerals. The most important are food based and Angstrom. In the "House Analogy of Health", Salt and Raw Super Food based minerals are bricks and lumber. Angstrom Minerals are electrical wiring and nails. Both are essential to maintaining peak health and vitality. Angstrom Minerals easily and rapidly permeate cells, turning on any atrophied cellular processes. Once turned on cells, detox and rebuild using Salt and Food Based Minerals. 5) Along with nutrition are enzymes. There are two forms of enzymes I enjoy. First when eating a heavy meal, even if 100% Raw, I tend to take a multi-spectrum digestive enzyme like Transformations Practitioner Strength Digest. When I was still eating cooked, I had digestive enzymes with every meal and in between meals. This reduces digestive load off the Pancreas, which converts metabolic (Cancer fighting) enzymes to digestive enzymes when cooked food is introduced into the body. I've always found it interesting the body considers cooked food infinitely more toxic than Cancer and as such will devote around 10 units of energy and raw digestive materials to producing one unit of digestive enzymes. In other words, when cooked food is eaten the body's white blood cell count skyrockets and all Cancer fighting enzymes are immediately converted to fight cooked food to ensure survival. 6) The other enzyme is Practitioner Strength Protease. If there were a magic bullet for reducing inflammation, Protease is the winner. Protease rapidly breaks down allergens which can either trigger inflammation, or like a grain of sand in an oyster accumulate, expand tissue cutting off fluid flow which results in inflammation. If I were having Asthma Attacks or intense allergic symptoms, I'd be eating Digest and Protease every day. If I had an Asthma Attack, I'd take one cap of Protease mixed with a teaspoon of Himalayan Pink Salt in 8oz. of pure water at the first sign of symptoms. This will probably only work with very pure Protease and high quality Salt like Himalayan or Chinese. 7) Next is Practitioner Strength Salivarius, the most impressive Probiotic I've ever experienced. At 9 Billion cultures per cap this is the Cadillac of Probiotics. Also the aggressive nature of Salivarius makes other Probiotics seem small time, by comparison. As an example, I'd had challenges with Dandruff for years. Only long water fasts seemed to clean my scalp. After taking a loading dose of Salivarius, my scalp was clean the next morning. Amazing! Salivarius balances colon ecology, which is responsible for the bulk of digestive work. If you're digestion is working poorly, you're missing out on all the nutrients from the great foods your eating. 8) Next is sleep. The quality of our sleep determines whether we age daily or regenerate our youth daily. Insomnia, restless sleep or waking up groggy all have a common component of stagnant lymph, where lymph fluid is draining to slow. When lymph fluid stagnates, bodies stay in fight-or-flight mode until lymph fluid moves. Exercise and movement moves lymph fluid and lymph fluid only moves if all the lymph passages are clear. I'd enjoy a daily round of Vitalize to deepen my sleep and accelerate my healing, regeneration and youthing process. 9) Finally I'd enjoy increasing nutrient density with Garden of Life products, which are Raw Food in a bottle. What a deal. Perfect Food (pre-digested cereal grasses), Living Multi-C and Living Multi (pre-digested fruits, veges and rare botanicals) top my list. My breakfast every day is Garden of Life products. Additionally Living Multi is jammed packed with human assumable B-12 and pre-digested mushrooms. B-12 is also worth a mention as B-12 is the substance from which our DNA (your body's cellular blueprints) is synthesized. B-12 synthetic supplements appear to cause DNA mutation over long periods of time. Systemic inflammation is an early stage of more intense mutation, which we normally think of as the symptoms we call Cancer. Mushrooms in this form are an amazing inflammation fighter and strengthen immune function. For most people, mushrooms in a Raw or cooked state can compromise health. In a pre-digested state they're massive immune energy in a bottle. There are a few other items along the way I'd deal with like cleaning out pathogens (Candida, parasites, etc.) along with a heavy metal and chemical cleanse. And the above step-by-step will get such great results most people will get really excited about researching other more advanced practices and programs. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Wrapping Up ~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have questions, send them along: david@radicalhealth.com Be patient with replies, as I get 100s of email each day. Enjoy your best day ever! - David Favor