~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slim Beautiful You, Small Budget, Fast Track Program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Years ago someone asked me how they could quickly balance their weight, regenerate their skin and put their energy in overdrive all on a small budget. With all the cool technology we have now, this is easy to answer. Here's how I'd do it... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Administrivia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ join@RadicalHealth.com (articles) austin@RadicalHealth.com (Austin, Texas events) leave@RadicalHealth.com (unsubscribe) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Short Divergence Into More Product Updates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll notice the following changes in out catalog: 1) Biggest news is our new Super Indium: 120 mg/bottle of 99.999% Pure Indium Sulfate + Himalayan Salt Sole + Pure Organic Flaked MSM 4x the Indium and your investment remains the same. This elixir feels like Liquid Kundalini. Last night around 7PM I was dragging after having only 2 hours sleep the night before. One dropper of this rocket fuel and I stayed up all night processing orders and packing boxes, 7PM to 7AM. I've slept 2 hours out of the last 52 hours and feel calm, strong and have intense mental focus. Very unlike other times I've been required to maintain wakefulness across multiple days. I trace this back to our lab crew imbibing Super Indium last night. I can still feel the serpentine rippling in my spine and temperature swings we all experienced. What a ride! 2) Chocolate & Goji Berries are now $25/lb, instead of $30 as we're purchasing in larger quantities. We could keep the profits or pass our savings along to you so you can increase your daily Super Food intake. We choose you eating more Super Foods! 3) Guarana, Yerba Mate and Maca are now in our catalog. Our shipment arrived last night and the mixture of flora Rain Forest aromas amidst great piles of chocolate brought all the Oompa Loompas down from their trees to sit in a pleasant, altered state, sniffing the breeze as it blew through open windows permeating our house. 4) Ma Huang and Schisandra are listed. Both are pending harvest and customs issues. This is a nice way of saying we're bringing attention to Custom's officials Ma Huang is now legal again, so they can stop burning it on the docks and sending us the burn bill. (This is really what customs does now.) 5) Island Gold, Asian Coconut Butter is back! And yes this is the only Coconut Butter Yemiah uses in her culinary wizardry. We sampled many different varieties recently, from all over the planet and Island Gold is still #1 with us. 6) Those in businesses which can benefit from selling our product line are served to be in touch as we're working out details of this mechanism now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slim Beautiful You Small Budget Fast Track ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The last time someone asked me how to do this was before Chocolate, Gojis, Super Indium, Himalayan Salt, Vitalize and Salivarius. I hesitate to mention Black Salve here. It applies and today I'll skip it as I only have an hour to write and Black Salve requires considerable focus to ensure people have a smooth and easy, pleasant, graceful experience. First about weight gain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Perfect Weight 101 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is one reason and only one reason people gain weight: Material is going in their mouth faster than they can eliminate. This usually relates to one or more of the following: 1) Food material eaten is high calorie, low nutrient density. So there are few nutrients available and vast quantities of food must be eaten maintain life. 2) Digestion is compromised. So food is unable to be broken down and bodies continue to crave food indefinitely, as levels of released nutrients are what turns off the hunger signal and without proper digestion this signal never occurs. 3) Elimination is to slow and obstructed, so their plumbing backups up and they expand proportionally to the backup. Usually there is some level of all three of these. As toxic debris backs up, the body wraps toxins in fat cells and stores them to be eliminated in the future when conditions allow. Challenge is, for most people, once this set of challenges starts it rarely reverses. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Toxins Accumulate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Where ever toxins accumulate tissue becomes irritated and inflames. This first increases fluid exchange, then greatly reduces fluid exchange so cellular dehydration sets in further aggravating and intensifying cellular inflammation and the cycle turns into a feedback loop, gaining energy with every heartbeat. This situation is so common Longevity Experts have a name for it: "Subclinical Inflammation" This is why taking Digestive Enzymes with and between meals and Protease before bed and for some again upon rising, reverses all manner of odd symptoms. The way these enzymes work is they break down, liquefy and flush away irritants, which allow tissue to reverse from inflammation to it's normal, optimal levels of fluid exchange. Subclinical Inflammation is why may people drink and drink and drink water and always feel thirsty, as no water can make it to their cells. This is a recipe for disaster as cancer thrives in oxygen starved regions of tissue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 60 Second Slim Beautiful You, On A Small Budget, Fast Track Program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As this program is run, the dramatic lowering of grocery bills will more than pay for all these technologies. Imagine what you'd save is you only ate 1000 or so calories a day, as many Raw Foodist do. Onward... First I'd clean out my pipes by starting with Salt Flushes: - 2 t Himalayan Salt + 1 quart warm water, hold nose and guzzle I do this until all the water which came out with my stool was clear. Then I'd start Cacao Flushes: - 1/4 Cup Cacao on an empty stomach I do this until all digestive tract sensation ceased and all... less than immaculate... eliminated debris ceased. I'd take as much Digest and Salivarius as my budget could tolerate to ensure my Digestive Fire was at peak intensity, so I could extract maximum nutrition from whatever I ate. I'd take both with and between meals in small doses, spreading them across the day rather than taking one large dose at only one point in the day. Next I'd eat Himalayan Salt and high quality fats to taste, along with a primarily Raw Food Diet (preferably 100% Raw) rich with Super Foods like Chocolate, Gojis, Bee Pollen, Hemp Seeds, Crystal Manna, Maca, Guarana, etc. I'd soak all my nuts and seeds and limit my intake of these as they're way to high in protein to eat often and a primary contributer of Subclinical Inflammation, next the unholy Soy/Rice/Grain trio. Next I'd phase in Super Indium, as PubMed reports small Indium intake can increase nutrient uptake by up to 75%. Very cool! This means you get 75% more effect from all nutrients in your system. A massive money saver. I'd phase in Crystal Manna here also. I'd exercise and eat Vitalize like candy, until I slept deeply and continuously every night. I'd eat Dulse and Nori until my toes, nose, fingers and ears were warm most of the time. Then I'd be patient and commit to this program indefinitely. I'd avoid scales as water weight can fluctuate wildly during this time. I'd also avoid quack detox programs which create intense detox symptoms, as my rule of thumb is: "If it hurts, you're body is saying stop!" I'd do this simple program 1 year for every 7 years of less than immaculate life habits and know every day I was pristine, I just gained a few extra days of vital, peak life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wrapping Up For Now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And I'm over my hour so must wrap up... As you try Super Indium, and this short program do email me with your experiences. Enjoy your best day ever! - David ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw Super Food Resources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles/Recipes : http://RadicalHealth.com Exotic SuperFoods: http://RadicalHealth.com/order -- Extreme Mood, Beauty & Youthing, The Easy Way join@RadicalHealth.com - http://RadicalHealth.com This article is for entertainment purposes only. No medical advice is intended or implied. Consult your health practitioner before changing your health practices. Copyright (c) 2005 by David Favor You may reprint all or part of this content so long as credit is given the author(s).