~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Chemistry of Bliss & Beauty ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bliss, our sense of complete happiness, is the basis of our life and continuous expanding state of health. The "Chemistry of Bliss" is the foundation of beauty, youthing, immune function, vitality, sex appeal, charisma, longevity, Dharma (life purpose/mission), productivity, creativity and innovation, to name a few. Every part of our lives revolve around Bliss. Beauty, sex appeal, charisma, attractiveness are a specific bio-electric side effects of Bliss. After you've finished this article current health challenges and ominous future challenges like Bird Flu, SARS, Ebola and friends will fade into the past. Once you know how to track and expand the quality of your Bliss, your sense of power and comfort will probably greatly and rapidly expand. Here's how to start... today... right now... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Administrivia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles : join@RadicalHealth.com Austin Events: austin@RadicalHealth.com Unsubscribe : leave@RadicalHealth.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Resource Guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per your requests, here's a summary of resources referenced in this article. Past Article Archive http://RadicalHealth.com/ Our Super Nutrient Catalog http://RadicalHealth.com/order/ My Personal Health Story http://RadicalHealth.com/story/ Pure Camu Source http://RadicalHealth.com/tools/join?channel=amazon;ref=$email Natural Cellular Defense Overview http://RadicalHealth.com/issues/2005-11-04:natural-cellular-defense.html Natural Cellular Defense Source http://RadicalHealth.com/tools/join?channel=waiora;ref=$email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Austin Members ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quick note... If you're in or near Austin, be sure and drop by our house for shot of Camu and Rain Forest Chai (latest version of Chocolate Silk) as I'm putting on the final touches for a short production run. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sustained Continuously Expanding Bliss Described ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bliss is a "state or sense of complete happiness". Most people have felt fleeting moments of Bliss during their lives. Sometimes falling in love, binging on chocolate, taking recreational drugs, first sex, any activity which stops time momentarily creates Bliss. Bliss for most people is a temporary state because these flashes come from emotive, psycho-spiritual or chemical events. Imagine sustained, continuously expanding Bliss. Imagine living in a state where every breath you take intensifies your Bliss. To achieve this continuously expanding state requires your Bliss be grounded in biology. Your fuel, flow and fire must be full-on, 24x7. Every heartbeat. Every breath. - Fuel refers to nutrient intake quantity and quality. - Flow refers to fluid exchange speed and completeness. - Fire refers to strength of each system, from digestion to neurotransmitter production and receptor integrity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beauty & Youthing is Your Measure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There's an old Sufi saying: "The measure of a man may be seen in the countenance of his woman's face." The same with our bodies. The measure and quality of our daily practice may be seen in our countenance. The speed of our expanding Beauty & Youthing is one of the best indicators of our Bliss, health and longevity. Each day we walk to the mirror and look younger, we know we're on track. Each day we feel better than the day before, we know we're on track. Any different experience simply reminds us to: Look to our Bliss and expand all our Bliss contributors to new levels. If we live in this simple manner: Bliss & Beauty care for themselves. And if desire your Bliss & Beauty to accelerate, then find someone who enjoys the Bliss & Beauty you desire and do what they do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Chemistry of Bliss at a Glance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The "Chemistry of Bliss" is simple. Bliss is a synergistic experience which comes from: 1) High levels of all neurotransmitters present at the same time. 2) Rapid transmission of neurotransmitters through our entire bodies. 3) The ability for neurotransmitters to be received and once received to linger at receptor sites long enough to communicate their full, exquisite intelligence. Neurotransmitters are chemical signal packets. The entire neurotransmitter system works similar to radio signal transmission and reception with one difference. With radio transmissions the transmitter keeps repeating the signal continuously. With neurotransmitters signals are sent in short bursts and the receptor sites are responsible for both receiving and "holding onto each signal packet" long enough for reception to complete. Reception begins when neurotransmitters arrive and only completes if these chemicals can stay attached to receptor sites long enough for the full transfer of their embedded information or intelligence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ High Level Neurotransmitter Production ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To produce high levels of neurotransmitters requires: 1) Hydration & Mineralization 2) Precursors, Raw Materials 3) Co-Factors 4) Deferred Recycling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hydration & Mineralization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hydration and Mineralization compare to wiring in a house. For electricity to flow requires proper wiring and insulation. Neurotransmitter flow requires the same. High quality salt rich in Platinum Group Elements, like Himalayan Salt, sets the stage. Salt is the substance which allows our bodies to hold water and determines the quality of our hydration. How much salt? Your taste buds will notify you. My rule of thumb is to eat salt to taste. Yemiah and I use the Himalayan Salt we import from Pakistan exclusively. Himalayan Salt gives us our most "electric" sensation. Our Himalayan Salt is here: http://RadicalHealth.com/order/ Hydration relates to our entire fluid intake. Best fluids are alkaline and there is no substitute for pure, acid pH water. In other words, enjoy other alkaline fluids and drink plenty of acid pH water. The pH of water is set by the mineral content. Less minerals means more Hydrogen and Oxygen which means more acid pH. The purer the water the more acid the pH. To me the purpose of water is to dissolve and emulsify toxins. To pull them out and move them out. Acid pH water simply means there are no minerals in the water, it's pure Hydrogen and Oxygen, nothing else. The purpose of water is to cleanse, so drinking water full of large molecule minerals as with many so-called health waters and from water softeners interferes with cleansing. If water is full of minerals, then these minerals displace debris and toxins meant to be carried away by water. A given amount of water can only hold so much sediment in suspension to move out of our bodies. Think of water as a bus with a certain number of seats. When the bus passes through our bodies, toxins and sediment drop into these seats and exit our body. Alkaline pH water is already full of minerals, which is what creates the alkaline charge. Alkaline water is a bus with many or all seats taken, so some water passes through people with no cleansing function at all. This water is so saturated (all seats filled) there is no room to take on other passengers. Hold your water up to the light. If you see particles, use it on your garden instead of drinking it. If your water has any taste at all, use it the wash your car instead of drinking it. The best water is Hydrogen and Oxygen. Period. Steam distilled and Reverse Osmosis are great choices. Penta water if your budget allows. How much water? Great question! Check in with mature, beautiful people. Mature meaning mid 40s+. For example, I weight around 130 lbs. and daily intake: - 100+ ounces of pure water - 100+ ounces of nutrient dense fluid like Camu and Chocolate Silk - High water content food If you seem to be thirsty all the time or you skin looks dehydrated, even though you drink all the time, then look to the quality of your salt and water first. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Neurotransmitter Precursors, Raw Materials ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Precursor or Raw Materials are best found in Raw Foods, especially Raw Super Foods. I've been doing short production runs of Rain Forest Chai recently and handing out samples to people. They all rave about how amazing they feel in only a few minutes. The best nutrient dense foods include Camu, Cacao (Chocolate), Gojis, Bee Pollen, Hemp, Coconut, Maca and the list goes on. Our preferences for Super Foods are the ones we import and sell through our catalog. You can pick these up here: http://RadicalHealth.com/order/ Camu is of special interest. First you can pick up our preference of Camu here: http://RadicalHealth.com/tools/join?channel=amazon;ref=$email Camu is the richest source of Vitamin-C we have (more about Vitamin-C in a moment) and Pure Camu from Amazon is low temperature concentrated 22 times, then vacuum sealed in the field. This produces a Camu of such extreme potency, most people feel near instantaneous mood elevation. One of the most toxic substances a person can take into their body is synthetic Vitamin-C. In fact, each specific type of ascorbate leeches out an associated mineral. Ascorbates are major Bliss degenerators. My rule of thumb is to avoid all supplements and hidden food ascorbates. A Raw Super Food eating style avoids all ascorbates the easy way, as ascorbates only occur in processed foods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Bliss Equation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Neurotransmitter production happens in stages and can be expressed by this greatly simplified equation: precursor + metabolic enzymes + co-factors = neurotransmitter Precursors may be foods like Camu, Cacao (Chocolate), Gojis, Pollen. They may also be other neurotransmitters. In other words, some neurotransmitters require precursor neurotransmitters to be present before they may be produced. Metabolic enzymes are enzymes produced within the body. These are different from digestive enzymes. There are several ways to increase metabolic enzyme availability: 1) Eat Raw Foods which contain enzymes and are alkaline. Specifically this means soaking all nuts and seeds. 2) Eat low calorie, high nutrient dense Super Foods which require minimal energy to digest and eliminate. 3) Eat mucho Bee Pollen which contains 5000+ metabolic enzymes and is one of the very few sources of dietary, broad spectrum, metabolic enzymes. Co-Factors include: 1) Vitamin-C. 2) Minerals, especially Platinum Group Elements in Himalayan Salt. 3) Indium, another rare mineral so important we manufacture our own Pure Indium product. 4) Pigments, which are flavor, smell and color components of produce. All these co-factors are required at every stage of neurotransmitter production. People many times have "Super Food Highs" as high levels of these co-factors flood their cells for the first time. Quantity and quality of reserves and dietary intake of metabolic enzymes and co-factors set the stage. If your Bliss is less than peak try some of our preferences for these, including Himalayan Salt, Angstrom Minerals, Indium and Digestive Enzymes. Especially Indium, as it can increase nutrient uptake by 75% on contact. Many times when people take the Indium we manufacture for the first time they experience a high. This comes from nutrient uptake pathways opening in a cascade, where nutrient delivery spikes up to peak in a few seconds. "Indium High" is really just nutrients arriving to cells are appropriate levels for the first time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Neurotransmitter Deferred Recycling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most people have heard of SSRIs (Prozac, Paxil, Zolof) and MAO inhibitors. SSRIs produce disastrous side effects and synthetic MAO inhibitors can cause instantaneous death if a person eats the wrong food, primarily animal products. Just as neurotransmitters are produced, they must go through break down, recycle, reuptake so component material may be used to produce other neurotransmitters. Both SSRIs and MAO inhibitors work by the same principle. They defer this recycle process, so neurotransmitters remain intact longer. Signals can then be sent faster as existing neurotransmitters can be used instead of expending energy building new ones. Also as neurotransmitter level concentrations expand this seems to somehow promote more receptor affinity. So the more neurotransmitters present, the better and longer the signal reception. Cacao (Chocolate) is the best natural source of general MAO inhibitors available. No side effects, except you may feel so great Cacao becomes your primary food. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Receptor Integrity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our final topic for today is the vast subject of receptor integrity. As neurotransmitters transmit they pass through an bio-electrical ocean, your fluids. We've already briefly talked about pH and now pH really comes into play. The pH of system fluids must be alkaline for neurotransmitters to remain intact. System fluid pH also greatly effects receptor sites, where neurotransmitter messages are received. Receptors are sensitive equipment. They breakdown rapidly when exposed to acid pH fluids. They also have high affinity for chemicals and metals and when these substances attach, they block neurotransmitter reception. An eating style rich in alkaline, Raw Super Foods is your best first activity - Camu, Cacao, Gojis, Bee Pollen, Hemp... Next is neutralizing incoming chemicals and metals which is best accomplished by Vitamin-C and pigments. Best sources are the same Super Foods - Camu, Cacao, Gojis, Bee Pollen, Hemp... Also the richest colored, highest quality produce you can access. Preferably certified organic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wrapping Up With Bird Flu & Super Immunity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the beginning of this article I spoke about Bird Flu, SARS and Ebola concerns passing into the past. All these pathogens kill by mutating faster than people's immune systems can mutate. With fast mutators it's a race to see which wins, the pathogen or person's immune response. If the pathogen wins, the person dies. The Beauty of Bliss is all the substances which expand Bliss also enhance immune function, both response speed and strength. Nature's payoff of pleasure and Bliss directly tell us how well our immune system is functioning. Bottom line... The degree to which we are in Bliss tells us exactly how well we can thrive in the midst of our new world of Super Bugs. Best to be about the business of your Bliss all day, every day as your thrival is directly proportional to your Bliss. Enjoy your best day ever! - David -- Can you feel like $1,000,000 all day, every day? Yes you can! Your simple secrets are here - http://RadicalHealth.com/peak/ This article is for entertainment purposes only. No medical advice is intended or implied. Consult your health practitioner before changing your health practices. Copyright (c) 2006 by David Favor You may reprint all or part of this content so long as credit is given the author(s).