~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Super Duper Brain & Bone Builder Soup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two of the most common question I hear are: "What do you eat?" "How can I quickly and easily increase my bone density?" Here's the answer to both... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Administrivia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles : join@RadicalHealth.com Unsubscribe : leave@RadicalHealth.com Austin Events: austin@RadicalHealth.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Super Duper Brain & Bone Builder Soup Background ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Several of the the odd hidden challenges to Raw Fooding are ingesting enough fiber, oil, heat and dryness. "Fiber you say! I thought all the veges I'm eating are filled with fiber. What gives?" There are many different forms of fiber. This recipe merges high water content (soup-ish-ness) with many beneficial fibers and oils, so you may find your elimination is better. Heat is one of the reasons many people crave cooked food. As an experiment see if eating this hot soup changes your desire patterns. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Complimentary Nature of Raw Fooding & Hot Soups ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My version of hot soup, is warmed to the first wisp of steam, avoiding boiling. Also of great importance is... Add your salt, oil and other goodies (more later) after you've removed heat from your soup, as heat can evaporate subtle minerals and subtly change oil characteristics. Cooking easily breaks down plant fiber which most humans have a challenge digesting, so try one Digest and one Salivarius with and between meals to enjoy the best "nutrient bang for your buck". Salivarius is a most interesting probiotic strain. One tiny capsule contains several times the culture levels of most similar products and Salivarius tends to multiply 2-3 times faster than other strains. And for a serious kick, also try one Crystal Manna Cap (cold processed, blue green algae) with every Salivarius. Private research seems to indicate ingesting Crystal Manna along with probiotics increases implantation by 600%. Crystal Manna appears to provide a high octane fuel which support probiotics going into hyper mode as soon as they hit the digestive tract. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dry & Heat Energy Deficiencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most people think in terms of nutrient deficiencies. My experience is people have miraculous health upgrades when they increase their exposure to sunlight and increase movement/exercise. Exercise can be a simple as increasing walking through parking lots and taking stairs rather than elevators. Sunlight and movement increase internal heat, which is an important step when a person desires to expand their Raw Food intake. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Common Spleen/Immunity Reboot Challenge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drying energy goes along with heat. When people Raw Fooding, many times they get "water logged". OMDs (Oriental Medical Doctors) even have a specific term for this - "damp humor". When "dampness" overtakes a body, spleen function begins to reduce and intermittently shut off. As the spleen is sometimes referred to as the "seat of the immune system", you can imagine how a body whose immunity just shut off might go into emergency mode to reboot immune function. If you've ever had an intense desire for baked potatoes, potato chips, corn chips and salsa or East Indian food your body may be attempting to reboot or ramp up spleen function. If you've every had a Blackout Eating binge, where you "come to" surrounded by empty bags of potato chips or half eaten baked potatoes, a spleen/immunity reboot probably just happened. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blackout Eating Is Your Friend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blackout Eating is when a person goes feral/animal. Innate body survival intelligence kicks in and suspends higher brain function. During Blackout Eating arbitrary judgments about a food being "good or bad" are suspended until enough of the specific food is ingested to reboot the shutdown system. Afterward the person "comes to". After years of personal Blackout Eating and severe cravings around specific foods/nutrients, which vanished in days once I listened to them (received the essence of their communication), here's how I translate these communications. Blackout eating is a great indicator you're body intelligence is online and functioning at peak... Also it's a great indicator to be in touch with someone who can provide you with suggested experiments to isolate the nutrient (vitamin, mineral, EFA, etc...) or energy (heating, drying, sweet, sour/bitter, salty, etc..) your body may be communicating about, then experiment with the fastest acting, most upscale alternatives. Listening to Blackout Eating's communication and other similar strong cravings is one of the fastest ways to move up to the health high road. All you require is a bit of assistance from someone versed in decoding these communications with you. Trust your intuition to provide your perfect person for this fun project. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Super Duper Brain & Bone Builder Soup Recipe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's one fantastic good soup. Let your imagination suggest refinements: 1/2 Cup Finely chopped onion 1 Cup Shelled Edaname Beans (Try all the brands you have access to. Look for non-GMO, organic. Then pick the one with the richest taste. The Whole Foods 365 brand is consistently good.) 1 Cup Other fresh or fresh frozen veges like celery, peppers, corn, red bell peppers, tomatoes, peas, green beans, okra, etc. Small Habenaro, other peppers or liberal Cayenne powder 1/2 Cup Yemiah's Decadent Pesto (2 Cups Basil, 2 Cups Pine Nuts, 2 Cloves Garlic, 2 tsp Himalayan Salt, ground in food processor till creamy smooth.) Heat to the first wisp of steam. 2-4 Tbl Dr. Bob Marshall's Tomato Powder 2-4 Tbl Dr. Bob Marshall's EFA Blend Himalayan Pink Salt to taste 1 Cap Digest, Salivarius, Crystal Manna (taken, rather than added to soup) Eat with avocado or reduce water and mash with avocado to make a fantastic filling for Nori sheets, sprouted tortillas or lettuce wraps. A hint of sauerkraut really adds a nice flavor undertone also. To create a mock salmon/tuna taste add chopped, activated walnuts and one capsule of Omega Zen Golden Algae oil and/or kelp/dulse powder taken out of caps. As always you can find most of the unusual items in our catalog; Dr. Bob's goodies, Digest, Salivarius, Omega Zen, Kelp/Dulse. http://RadicalHealth.com/order/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About Edaname & Fresh Frozen Veges ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No doubt some hard core Raw Foodists will take issue with these. They are great for quick meals and kids enjoy them. If you're farther along the track than this, just leave them out. The primary ingredients are Tomato Powder, EFA blend and Salt. And Edaname is one of the richest sources of Tryptophan we have. Cashews are close and many chronic sinus and respiratory challenges trace back to Cashews, even when machine extracted. This also goes for other "Raw Nuts". Best to activate (soak/dehydrate) nuts and seeds before eating. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Doctrine of Signatures & Super Duper Soup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Doctrine of Signatures simply correlates structure, texture and other characteristics of foods to parts of our body. The structure of onions and the consistency of Edaname relate to brain tissue. The structure of tomatoes, hot and bell peppers relate to heart tissue, chambers and valves. The red color to blood meeting oxygen. The oils also relate to heart and brain tissue consistency. You can purchase Vitamin K1/K2 soy bean (Natto) supplements extracted by heat/solvents, then oxidized in it's isolated form or... You can enjoy many Edaname meals for the price of one bottle of these supplements. Spiking Vitamin K1/K2 levels greatly accelerates increasing bone, cartilage and synovial (joint) tissue density/health. Specifically Vitamin K Complex is an major component in osteocalcin, the protein glue which knits/holds calcium in bone. Also adding in the super anti-oxidant power of Tomato Lycopene (which is much more prevalent in our tissue than Beta Carotene) neutralizes free radical damage which accelerated destruction of bone, brain, heart and cartilage integrity. And about the cooked tomato myth... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Cooked Tomato Lycopene Myth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While it is true cooking tomatoes increases Lycopene by 400%-500%+ I've yet to hear anyone explain why. My guess is people have challenges breaking down some of the specific type of cellulose (plant fiber) which encapsulize Lycophene. After experiencing Dr. Bob's Tomato Powder (which I eat nearly every day) I imagine his extraction problem solves this. I'll ask him next time we talk. Also adding in Digest and Salivarius is a great substitute for high heating tomatoes. Heating tomatoes, or any foods, denatures and coagulates nutrients into anti-nutrients. Heating also binds/merges toxins like pesticides and water borne pharmaceuticals into substances which are even more difficult to eliminate then the original forms. And taste tells the tale. Given a fresh or cooked tomato... Give me the real deal over a poor cooked cousin, any day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You're Wrapping Up Special ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Still catching up from last weeks email and voice mail. I will get back with you! Wrapping up this article... For those who've read this far, you deserve a reward. Order a Super Pack, Dr. Bob's Tomato Powder and EFA blend in the next 24 hours and... You'll get a FREE set of Angstrom Minerals! A $97 value! All I ask is you send me a paragraph about your experience in the next 30 days, I can share with others. Enjoy your best day ever! - David -- Like to feel your best all day, every day? Here's how... Your simple secrets here - http://RadicalHealth.com/peak/ This article is for entertainment purposes only. No medical advice is intended or implied. Consult your health practitioner before changing your health practices. Copyright (c) 2006 by David Favor You may reprint all or part of this content so long as credit is given the author(s).