~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peak Energy 101 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whew... The past few weeks since my last article have been a blur. One of the primary topics our clients have been asking about recently is how to boost your energy to peak and keep at peak. You can find the longish answer in our: Step-By-Step Guide http://www.radicalhealth.com/raw-food-diet/guides/step-by-step.html Enhanced by some of: Yemiah's Gourmet Raw Food Recipes http://www.radicalhealth.com/raw-food-diet/recipes Along the way I'll introduce our newest product: Sun Fire Salt which combines Himalayan Pink Salt, Bolivian Rose Salt, Hawaiian Alaea Salt and Chinese Sea Salt. Just looking at Sun Fire Salt is a rush. Here's a short version of Peak Energy 101... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Administrivia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Articles : join@RadicalHealth.com Unsubscribe : leave@RadicalHealth.com Austin Events: austin@RadicalHealth.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Energy At A Glance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can think of your energy systems in terms of an engine and gas pedal. Your engine includes your pancreas (metabolic enzymes required to kick of activity), your liver (produces substances used for cellular energy) and digestive tract (your fuel processing system). Your gas pedal are all your glands with the major players being your adrenals, thyroid and parathyroid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Digestion The Easy Way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Energy begins with digestion. We take in food, process (digest) it into simple components, absorb these components, then store these components for future use. The cycle of absorption, storage, future use is important. There is rarely a 1:1 correspondence where a food is eaten and directly used. Normally components extracted from food eaten now may be used hours, days, weeks or months later. What's important here is to imagine digestion as a process similar to converting crude oil to jet fuel. Crude oil processing to produce clean burning, high energy, jet fuel requires massive energy and produces massive waste products (exhaust to be eliminated). Same with digestion, so one of your most direct experiences of energy dips usually come when eating downscale substances which tax your energy due to toxicity, produces very little clean fuel, produces primarily waste which then requires even more emergency energy to eliminate due to it's high toxicity. If you desire enjoying continuous peak energy, you'll be served to start with food which burns fast and clean, producing massive useful energy components and very little waste to eliminate. Two great options here are Coco Chai and Super Soup: http://www.radicalhealth.com/raw-food-diet/recipes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pancreatic Support The Easy Way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pancreatic function is suppose to be focused on producing metabolic enzymes to promote regeneration, longevity and evolution into our highest expression of biologic integrity. This includes breaking down mutagenic material before it becomes full blown, pathological Cancer. And pancreatic secondary function is to deal with toxins which register as extreme. The mechanism for this revolves around ramping up production of white blood cells whenever a foreign invader enters our bodies and registers as an extremely deadly substance. What's interesting here is Pottenger's Cat research: http://www.price-pottenger.org/Articles/PottsCats.html and related experiments such as Edward Howell's collective work on enzymes. The bottom line appears to be this: 1) The more food is cooked, the more white blood cells are created. By far the most white blood cells are created when pressure cooked foods are eaten. In other words, all life force has been destroyed. 2) Pancreatic prioritization always goes first to cooked food, ceasing all longevity/regeneration work until cooked food is neutralized, even in bodies riddled with systemic Cancer. You can imagine how complex this becomes in people continually eating only cooked food. A visit to any nursing home shows the outcome over years. 3) In extremely crude, layman terms it requires 10 units of energy and 10 units of metabolic enzymes to produce 1 unit of digestive enzymes. You get the idea. When cooked food or any downscale substance, especially excipient laced supplements, enter our bodies we go into emergency detox mode. The more toxic the substance, the more energy is stolen from other sources and brought into play to support our rapid, detox process. This energy scavenging and detox focus is the source of food coma. So if you're feeling food coma after a meal the real effects are more far reaching than dozing off in your boring afternoon meetings. Stakes are high. Stakes are your comfortable life and longevity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liver Support The Easy Way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liver support is easy and directly tracks quality/quantity of food eaten also. Full liver function can be impaired by accumulations of chemicals and metals which are primary components of biofilms. Biofilms are structures microbial pathogens, including parasites and viral deposits, attract around themselves as protective barriers. Biofilms block immune function like stealth aircraft. Once biofilms are in place our immune system no longer can even recognize chemicals/metals/pathogens. They lay dormant waiting for immune function to be compromised then express, like a herpes or worm outbreaks. A great way to unload biofilms, flushing out chemicals/metals/microbes is to complete each step in sequence of our: Step-By-Step Guide http://www.radicalhealth.com/raw-food-diet/guides/step-by-step.html It's important to complete each step in sequence to bring your body upscale to have continuous, peak elimination. This way when chemicals/metals/microbes are liberated and begin circulating through your body they can be rapidly eliminated, rather than being reabsorbed and taking root again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adrenal, Thyroid, Parathyroid Support The Easy Way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The primary contributers here are Sun Fire Salt and Seaweeds: - Adrenals feed on salt. - Thyroid feeds on salt, iodine and purple pigments you find in Dulse and some other rare Seaweeds. - Parathyroid feeds on salt, iodine and emerald green pigments you find in Nori, Kelp, Wakame and friends. We import and sell bulk Dulse and Nori specifically for energy support. In fact, we just received a shipment of Dulse last week which is the best crop I've tasted to date. If the taste of Seaweeds is yet to be desirable to you, then you may enjoy our Seaweed Energy capsules which contain pure, excipient free, Dulse and Kelp powder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Natural State, Adaptogenic Caffeine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The other powerful support for these three glands is: Natural State, Adaptogenic Caffeine Most Green Tea, Guarana and Yerba Matte is volcanically heated and chemicalized into substances which are essentially methamphetamines - the most downscale, energetically draining stimulants available. You can tell your energy systems require regeneration when Adaptogenic Caffeine knocks you out. I first noticed this with clients using our Natural State Guarana. People began reporting passing out for hours the first few times of use. This is similar to our Vitalize product. Where Vitalize clears out the lymph channels and allows adrenals to "turn off" sometimes for the first time in years.... Natural State, Adaptagenic Guarana seems to somehow promote or support rapid adrenal regeneration, to the degree past adrenal regeneration has been deferred. The greater the deferred regeneration, the more intense the sleep. This occurs primarily when people suffer from chronic insomnia or low grade stress. Both of which drain adrenal function and defer adrenal regeneration. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wrapping Up For Now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When we first opened our private nutritional counseling to the public in 2000, my story was we'd come up with a complicated nutritional protocol, unique to every person. Now, nearly seven years later, I'm have to laugh when I think about the simplicity of using high quality Sun Fire Salt, Chocolate Drinks and Tomato Soup is all that's required for peak energy. As always, drop me your stories and experiences and I'll add them to our testimonials page: http://www.radicalhealth.com/raw-food-diet/testimonials Enjoy your best day ever! - David -- Enjoy feeling your best... all day, every day? Here's how... Your simple secrets are here - http://RadicalHealth.com/ This article is for entertainment purposes only. No medical advice is intended or implied. Consult your health practitioner before changing your health practices. Copyright (c) 1996-2007 by David & Yemiah Favor You may reprint all or part of this content so long as credit is given the author(s).